Traditional karate utilizes a lot of Japanese for giving instruction. No one expects you to become fluent in Japanese! But over time, students will learn these key phrases simply from participating. Aside from counting in Japanese, students will eventually learn the following:
Beginning/End of Class
English Translation | Japanese Phrase | Pronunciation | Kanji |
Good Morning (Before 12pm) | ohayo gozaimasu | Ohio Go-zy-am-oss-uh | おはようございます |
Good Afternoon (12pm - 6pm) | konnichi wa | Cone Ee-chi-wa | こんにちわ |
Good Evening (After 6pm) | konbanwa | Cone Bawn-wa | こんばんわ |
Line Up | Seiretsu | Say-de-tsu | せいれつ |
Straighten/Fix your gi and obi | Ushiro O Muite Gi Toh Obi O Naosu | U-she-roe O Moo-ee-tay Gee To Obee O Nay-o-sue | - |
Face the front | Shomen | Show-men | 正面 |
Sit down | Seiza | Say-za | 正座 |
Bow to the front wall | Shomen Ni Rei | Show-men Nee Ray | 正面に礼 |
Bow to Sensei | Sensei Ni Rei | Sensei Nee Ray | 先生に礼 |
English Translation | Japanese Phrase | Pronunciation | Kanji |
Forms (Stylized Fighting) | Kata | Ka-tah | 方 |
Attention | Kiotsuke | Ki-O-suh-kay | 気を付け |
Bow | Rei | Rey | 礼 |
Ready | Yoi | Yo-ye | よい |
Beginning (start) | Hajime | Ha-Gee-may | はじめ |
Stop | Yame | Ya-may | やめ |
Repeat (One more time) | Mou ichido | Mo-ee-chi-doh | もういちど |
Other Common Phrases in the Dojo
English Translation | Japanese Phrase | Pronunciation | Kanji |
Way of the Empty Hand | Karate-do | Kara-tey-doe | 空手 |
Weapons techniques | Kobudo | Ko-bude-oh | 沖縄古武道 |
Sparring | Kumite | Kume-it-ay | 組手 |
Joint/Pressure Point techniques | Tuite | Too-it-tay OR Tweed-e | 取手術 |
Grappling/Throwing martial art | Judo | Joo-doh | 柔道 |
Takedowns/striking martial art | Jujutsu | Joo-jit-soo | 柔術 |
Student | Karateka | Kara-teh-ka | 空手家 |
Head Student (1-3rd degree) | Sempai | Sem-pie | 先輩 |
Teacher (4th dan+) | Sensei | Sen-say | 先生 |
Polished Teacher (4th dan+, awarded title) | Renshi | Ren-she | 錬士 |
Model Teacher (6th dan +) | Kyōshi | Key-o-she | 教士 |
Grand Master (8-10th dan) | Hanshi | Han-she | 範士 |
Ready | Yoi | Yo-e | 良い |
Bow with respect | Rei | Ray | 礼 |
Bow to each other | Otagai ni Rei | oh-tah-gah-ee nee ray | お互いに礼 |
Please Teach Me (to training partner) | Onegaishimasu | Own-ee-gaash-a-mas-oo | お願いします |
Thank You Very Much (informal) | Domo arigatou | Dome-o Are-re-gato | どうもありがとう |
Thank You Very Much (formal) | Domo arigatou gozaimasu | Dome-o Are-re-gato Goze-ay-a-mas-oo | どうもありがとうございます |
Thank You (casual) | Domo OR Arigatou (one or the other) | Dome-o OR Are-re-gato | どうも |
You Are Welcome | Dōitashimashite | Doe-ee-tash-ee-ma-she-tay | どういたしまして |
Training Hall | Dojo | Doe-joe | 道場 |
Yes | Hai | Hi | はい |
No | Iyea | E - A | いいえ |
Short yell | Kiai | Kee-ai | 気合 |
Uniform | Gi | Gee | 着 |
Belt | Obi | Oh-bee | 帯 |
Kata applications | Bunkai | Boon-kai | 分解 |
Sticking technique | Muchimi | Moo-she-me | 餅身 |